Friends of George Club Rules

  1. Friends of George

    May, 2024

    לוגו של מועדון החברים של ג'ורג'

    The George reserves the right to charge members a joining fee, an annual subscription fee and for admission to the club premises from time to time. You can see the fees detailed on our website. The right to amend or waive any such fees or subscriptions from time to time shall be in The George’s sole discretion.

    The George is a members-only club whose object is to provide its members the opportunity to enjoy special, tailored, social and recreational activities, such as food and dining, spas, sport and leisure activities and entertainment.


  2. Your membership application

    Any person over the age of 18 is entitled to apply to become a member of The George.

    By completing and submitting your application for membership via our website, you agree to be bound by The George club rules.

    Please note that all sections of the application must be completed for the application to be considered. Any application missing information will be deemed incomplete and therefore not to be considered.

    Due to limited space, please be advised that The George admits new members, from time to time, only when available.

    The George shall have sole discretion as to who shall become a member of The George. However, we assure that race, religion, religious affiliation, nationality, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, views, political affiliation, personal status, and paternity are not, in anyway, considered in the membership process. 

    You are free to withdraw your application at any time. Should you wish to do so, please contact our membership team at

    If your membership application is accepted, we will confirm this by sending you a ‘Welcome to Friends of George” email, which will direct you to download our app and to pay the membership fee. Your annual membership will commence after paying the membership fee.

  3. Membership renewal

    Membership is for a minimum period of one year (“Fixed Period“) and renewable thereafter on an annual basis. Membership renewals are not automatic and are reviewed by our membership team on an annual basis. The decision of the membership team is final and without appeal.

  4. Membership database

    It is important for us to have your current details in our membership database. By becoming a member of The George, you agree that we can hold your personal details, including your portrait picture and contact and payment information.

    If your contact or payment details change, please let us know via your account page on

  5. Membership payment

    Upon approval or renewal of your membership, your membership fees become payable immediately. By providing us with your payment information, you accept and consent to being charged with membership fees in the form requested by The George upon your application being approved or renewed. 

    It is within our discretion to amend our membership fees at any time, and we will notify you in advance if there are to be any changes to the amount, date, or frequency of the payment of your membership fees.

    Members can pay by annual fee or a monthly installment. 

    Failure to pay the annual subscription (or any installment thereof) within one month of the due date will result in the member not being admitted to the club and the membership being terminated.

  6. Resignation of your membership

    ביטול חברות במועדון החברים במלון גו’רג’ (להלן: “המועדון“)  עקב ביטול מטעם החברים במועדון:

      1. כל חבר במועדון (להלן: “החבר“) יהיה זכאי לבטל את חברותו במועדון בכל עת וחברותו תבוטל בתוך שלושים (30) ימים מהמועד בו הודיע על רצונו כאמור להנהלת המועדון (להלן: “הודעת הביטול“) באמצעות פניה מקוונת לדוא”ל: הודעת הביטול תבוצע בהתאם לדרכים הקבועות לכך בחוק הגנת הצרכן, התשמ”א-1981.
      2. הודעת הביטול תחשב כוויתור מוחלט על כל זכויותיו של החבר במועדון ממועד כניסת הביטול לתוקף, לרבות אך לא רק על זכותו של החבר לקבלת הטבות כלשהן והחבר לא יהא זכאי לקבל כל פיצוי ו/או שיפוי ו/או להחזר של התמורה שנגבתה ממנו בגין חברותו במועדון עד למועד בו תיפסק חברותו במועדון.
      3. בנוסף, המועדון יהיה רשאי לגבות דמי ביטול בהתאם לאורך התקופה בה היה החבר רשום כחבר במועדון, כאשר מדובר באחוז יחסי לתשלום השנתי:            
      • בזמן השליש הראשון של התקופה – 25 אחוזים מהתמורה או הסכום שהיה על החבר לשלם עד תום התקופה, הנמוך מביניהם.
      • בזמן השליש השני של התקופה – 20 אחוזים מהתמורה או הסכום שהיה על החבר לשלם עד תום התקופה, הנמוך מביניהם.
      • בזמן השליש האחרון של התקופה – 17 אחוזים מהתמורה או הסכום שהיה על החבר לשלם עד תום התקופה, הנמוך מביניהם.          
      1. מבלי לגרוע מהאמור לעיל, היה והודעת הביטול תשלח בתוך 14 ימים ממועד הצטרפותו של החבר למועדון (להלן: “התקופה הראשונית“), אזי התשלום ששילם במעמד הצטרפותו כחבר במועדון יושב לו בערכו השקלי הנקוב בתוך 30 ימים מיום ביטול חברותו במועדון בפועל, אולם המועדון יהיה רשאי לגבות מהחבר תשלום בשיעור של 5% ממחיר החברות השנתי או 100 ש״ח – הסכום הנמוך מביניהם.

    ביטול החברות במועדון הלקוחות על ידי המועדון:

      1. המועדון שומר לעצמו את הזכות לבטל חברות של חבר במועדון, בכל מקרה של אי עמידה בתקנון זה ו/או בכל מעשה ו/או מחדל הפוגע ו/או עלול לפגוע בשמה הטוב של המועדון ו/או מי מטעמה ו/או בעסקיה ו/או במלון ג’ורג’, בפעילויות שבהם ו/או במי מטעמה של המועדון, לרבות במקרים של אלימות פיזית ו/או מילולית של חבר מועדון כלפי אורח המלון ו/או המועדון ו/או עובדי המועדון או המלון ו/או בשל התנהגות בלתי הולמת מצד חבר המועדון, במהלך השהייה במועדון ו/או במלון ג’ורג’. המועדון יהיה רשאי על פי שיקול דעתו הבלעדי להפסיק חברותו של חבר במועדון, ועם קבלת ההודעה יחדל החבר מלשמש כחבר במועדון ותמנע ממנו האפשרות לקבלת ההטבות המנויות במועדון.
      2. למען הסר ספק מובהר כי במקרה כאמור בסעיף 5 לעיל, לא יהא החבר זכאי להחזר דמי החברות שנגבו ו/או לכל פיצוי ו/או שיפוי בקשר עם חברותו במועדון. לפנים משורת הדין, המועדון יסכים להשיב לחבר את החלק היחסי של דמי החברות שנגבו, בהתאם לתקופה שנוצלה על ידי החבר עד לאותו מועד, בהתאם לאמור בסעיף 3 לעיל.

    Resignation during the Cancellation Period
    You are entitled to resign your membership within 14 days from the date in which you paid for your membership or from the date you received a written document confirming your membership, which ever is later, whether you begin to enjoy our services or not (the “Cancellation Period”).
    If you choose to resign your membership during the Cancellation Period:


    1. We will refund your payment or cancel your charge due to the transaction; and
    2. We will charge cancellation fees at the rate of 5% of the price of the membership or 100 NIS, whichever is lower.
    1. Resignation after the Cancellation Period
      If you wish to cancel your membership after the expiry of the Cancelation Period, you may do so with a written notice one month in advance. In such case:
      1. We will refund the consideration you paid or cancel the charge due to the transaction; and
      2. We will charge the relative part of the consideration for your right use our services until the cancellation takes effect; and
      3. Additionally, we may also charge cancellation fees for the resignation as stipulated below.
    2. The cancellation fees will be according to the following table:
    Date of the resignation Percentage of the yearly membership fees
    During the first third of the Fixed Period 25%
    During the second third of the Fixed Period 20%
    During the last third of the Fixed Period 17%
    However, in case the amount stipulated in the table above exceeds the residual payment of the membership fees until the end of the Fixed Period – then you will only have to pay the residual payment with no cancellation fees.
    1. Without derogating from the above, if your membership was canceled part way through the yearbecause of your inappropriate conduct as set below, you will still need to pay your full membership fee for the remainder of the year.


  7. Membership cards

    There are few options for membership: Seed Member / Early Bird Member / Club Member.  

    Each membership section is subject to specific regulations

    Digital membership cards must be presented to the Front Desk to gain entry. 

    Members should also expect to be asked to present their digital membership card when they sit down to eat or drink or if they open a bar tab. 

    Where any member allows his or her card to be used by a non-member, such non-member shall be denied access to, or removed from, The George and the member whose card was used may face suspension or termination of their own membership.

  8. Your personal information

    We will use the personal information you provide us in connection with your membership, in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

  9. Guests

    Members are permitted to bring up to three guests with them to The George at any one time although please be aware that during very busy times we may have to restrict member/guest access to certain areas of The George.

    However, please note that use of the pool amenities, the Atelier (co workspace) and the boost studio is subject to specific rules and regulations, which supersede the above-mentioned policy. 

    A member’s guests may not enter the club without that member being present. Members may not be separated from their guests within the club or allow their guests to remain in the club when they leave. Members are responsible for ensuring their guests follow The George’s rules and policies and can face suspension or termination of their membership if their guests violate such rules or policies.

  10. Children

    The George is designed for adults but aims to be child friendly. Please be considerate of other members when you bring children, who count as part of your guest allowance, and ask The George about its rules regarding children. Please remember that your children are always your responsibility when present at The George, and ensure they are not left unattended at any time. 

  11. Event Booking and club maintenance

    From time to time The George will conduct events that require RSVP on a first come first served formant. 

    We may at times close all or part of The George to members and guests for private events or for necessary maintenance, repair or redecoration work.

    Where we close part of The George for private events, please honor and respect the privacy of all private events occurring in The George and refrain from communicating any information about the event to third parties in any medium.

  12. Club events

    The George may ask the members to give views of, and experiences of events. We may also film, video or photograph our member events and activities at our club for use in our membership programs, as well as advertising, promotions, public relations, and other commercial/business purposes. If you take part in these interviews or events, you agree to us using your name, image and limited other information. You also consent to us publishing any materials produced by, or for, us for any purpose without your further consent, and you waive your right to receive any payment from us in connection with such publication.

  13. Accidents and injuries

    We want all our members and guests to relax and enjoy the activities and facilities available at The George in safety. Members and their guests agree to observe The George rules and any signs published or displayed at any time and to take reasonable precautions when traveling around the grounds or using the facilities at The George.

    If a member or guest has an accident or suffers any injury at, or in the vicinity of, The George please report this as soon as possible to a member of staff and, in any event, within 24 hours of the incident. As well as wanting to check on a member or guest’s wellbeing, this information is needed to help us comply with our health and safety obligations and for insurance purposes.

  14. CCTV

    Members and their guests should be aware that for safety reasons, we use CCTV across The George, in accordance with the Privacy Policy’s provisions.

  15. Disciplinary procedure

    Conduct by a member or guest that is prejudicial to the reputation and character of The George may result in suspension or expulsion of such member or guest. The club has the right at any time to withdraw the membership of a member.

    Such conduct may include inappropriate, illegal, violent or abusive behavior, Conduct involving sexual harassment of any kind or the communication of information concerning The George affairs, members or their guests in the club to the media. 

    Please be advised that we take the privacy of our members and guests seriously. We want our members and guests to feel as free as possible in the confines of the George. Therefore, be aware that taking pictures or documentation of The George’s members or guests without their explicit and undeniable consents is deemed an unacceptable conduct which may result in suspension or expulsion of the member or guest. This also includes dissemination of The George affairs, members or their guests to the media.

    The George’s decisions on suspension or expulsion shall be final and not appealable.

    An expelled member may not return to the club as a guest. 

    Any member or members who willfully remove, damage or destroy any property belonging to The George, or to members or guests on the premises of The George, will be liable to expulsion and/or suspension or termination of their membership.

    Every member binds him/herself to abide by the rules, bylaws and regulations of The George at all times upon acceptance as a member. If The George considers that any member’s (or his or her guests) conduct either inside or outside of The George premises is, at its absolute discretion, contrary to the interests of The George, The George may with immediate effect expel the member or guest from the club premises and/or suspend or terminate that member’s membership without having to give any reason to such member or guest.

  16. Rights and benefits of membership

    A member shall be entitled to all the rights and benefits of The George granted to a person in his or her capacity as a member and shall be bound by these rules but shall have no proprietary rights in any of the premises or in respect of property of The George.

    Please be advised that The George does not guarantee specific events, activities, benefits, or otherwise. The membership’s benefits may change from time to time, per The George’s absolute discretion. The member, or his guest, will have no claims or demands against The George with respect to the schedule of events, activities, happenings or otherwise, or any purported benefits of the membership.

  17. Use of equipment and facilities

    Use of any of the gym or fitness equipment, areas or facilities available at The George is subject to specific policies of the gym, area or facility.

  18. Liability of The George

    All items brought into The George are brought and left entirely at the risk of a member, or his or her guests. The George, its employees and/or agents shall not be liable to any member or guest for any loss, damage or injury sufferefd by them or their property howsoever caused, save in respect of death or personal injury to a member or guest to the extent caused by the negligence of The George, its employees and/or agents. This is not intended to affect any mandatory rights a member or guest may have under local law that we cannot legally restrict or exclude.

  19. Interpretation of the rules

    In the event of any dispute arising as to the meaning or interpretation of these rules, the matter shall be referred to the George membership team, whose decision with respect to your membership shall be final and without appeal.  

  20. Amendments to The George’s rules

    The George may change the rules from time to time, by displaying notification of the change on 

  21. Contacting us

    Should you have any questions regarding your membership and/or The George rules, please contact us at